DD 214

Request Your Military Service Records

 eVetRecs        DoD MilConnect (CAC Enabled)          Veterans Administration


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Want to Request:

·       DD 214/Separation Documents: eVetRecs (online) | Mail or Fax 

·       Official Military Personnel File (OMPF):  eVetRecs (online) | Mail or Fax

·       Replacement Medals:  eVetRecs (online) | Mail or Fax 

·       Medical Records:  eVetRecs (online) | Mail or Fax 

·       Burial and Emergency Requests

Military personnel records can include DD 214s/Separation Documents, service personnel records found within the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), and medical Records. Military personnel records can be used for proving military service or as a valuable tool in genealogical research.

Please note that NPRC holds historical Military Personnel Records of nearly 100 million veterans. The vast majority of these records are paper-based and not available online. Learn More

 Our online eVetRecs system creates a customized order form to request information from your, or your relative's, military personnel records.

You may use this system if you are:

·       A military veteran, or

·       Next of kin of a deceased, former member of the military. The next of kin can be any of the following:

o   Surviving spouse who has not remarried

o   Father

o   Mother

o   Son

o   Daughter

o   Sister

o   Brother

Note: A written signature by mail or fax is required for online requests.

Visit eVetRecs Help and FAQ to learn more about how to use eVetRecs.

Your request must contain certain basic information for us to locate your service records. This information includes:

·       The veteran's complete name used while in service

·       Service number

·       Social Security number

·       Branch of service

·       Dates of service

·       Date and place of birth (especially if the service number is not known).

·       If you suspect your records may have been involved in the 1973 fire, also include:

o   Place of discharge

o   Last unit of assignment

o   Place of entry into the service, if known.

·       All requests must be signed and dated by the veteran or next-of-kin.

·       If you are the next of kin of a deceased veteran, you must provide proof of death of the veteran such as a copy of death certificate, letter from funeral home, or published obituary.