Scout of the Year Entry Form

National's Scouting Program Handbook

ROTC Brochure


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Few youth programs provide a greater benefit to a Post than involvement with a Scouting or JROTC unit. Both programs annually produce individuals with an appreciation for patriotism, civic responsibility, and the likelihood of future military service. As Boy and Girl Scouts, Sea Scouts, Venture Scouts and JROTC cadets, these individuals are often a tremendous asset to a Post by helping with Post projects such as placing flags on graves on Veterans Day and Memorial Day, helping with Post maintenance and fix-up efforts, helping distribute "Buddy”® Poppies, providing color guards and assisting with VFW public events.


As young adults, participants in these programs are much more likely than others of their age group to enter the military and, ultimately, become eligible for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars.



Criteria for Civil Air Patrol and Naval Sea Cadets

  • Good academic standing
  • Satisfactory progress in the cadet program
  • Outstanding achievement in community service and/or the cadet program
  • Outstanding leadership in the cadet program
  • High moral character
  • Exceptional professionalism in appearance and actions (Officer Award)
  • Outstanding military bearing and conduct in and out of uniform (NCO Award)
  • Involvement in patriotic programs, drill team, color guard, etc.
  • Demonstrated potential and willingness to assume higher levels of responsibility
Additional criteria for JROTC & SROTC awards:
  • Positive attitude toward the ROTC program
  • For JROTC, must be enrolled as a 10th - 12th grade JROTC student
  • For SROTC, must be an undergraduate student enrolled in Military Science I through IV
  • Must maintain a "B” average in ROTC curriculum and a "C” average in all remaining subjects with no failing grades in the previous semester
  • Active in at least one other student extracurricular activity (music, athletics, government, etc.)
Scout of the Year, the candidate must:
  • Be the recipient of the Eagle Scout Award, Girl Scouts Gold Award, Venture Summit Award or Sea Scout Quartermaster Award.
  • Be a registered, active member of a Boy or Girl Scout Troop, Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship at the time the above award was received.
  • Have demonstrated exemplary citizenship in school, Scouting and community.
  • Prior National Scout of the Year winners are ineligible. Applicants still in high school who reach their 18th birthday during the nomination year remain eligible if otherwise qualified. A Scout may enter through only one VFW Post.



·       Youth Cadet Awards Programs

o  Cadet awards may be initiated by the local VFW Post or directly by the cadet’s unit. In either case, documentation should come from the unit as follows:

§ Naval Sea Cadets: from the unit commanding officer in a letter with copy to NSCCHQ.

§ Civil Air Patrol Cadets: from the candidate’s squadron by submitting a CAPF-120.

§ JROTC/SROTC Cadets: from the unit by submitting a letter documenting the criteria.

·       Scout of the Year Program

o  The following documentation should be submitted to your local VFW Post:

§ 3x5 photograph of the Scout - in correct, complete uniform for their current rank.

§ High School Participation Record - a single page, one sided resume of the candidate’s school activities indicating academic achievement, offices held, honors received and significant participation in other activities.

§ Scouting Record - maximum of three pages, one side only, listing of all Scouting participation beginning with Cub Scouts/Brownies - years of participation, unit         numbers and sponsors. Also include when Eagle, Gold, or Quartermaster Award was received and Palms. Identify leadership positions held at all levels, participation in Scouting activities (jamborees, Order of the Arrow         conferences, etc.) and the candidates Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold Award, Venture Summit or Sea Scout Quartermaster Project.

§ Community Service Record - a single page, one-sided resume listing participation in community and religious service organizations (excluding Scouting and school),        noting leadership positions held and any recognition received.

§ Letters of Recommendation - submit three letters, no more than two pages in length from:    

·       A scout leader.

·       A community member.

·       A teacher/faculty member (If homeschooled, a parent letter is allowed.)

·       In addition, you may include one or two additional letters, no more than two pages, from local community members who have special knowledge of the candidate's abilities and accomplishments.

o  Find the Entry Form at


DEADLINES:The following deadlines shall be adhered to:

  • March 1, 2021 – Scout entries to the Post
  • March 15, 2021 – Post winners submitted to District
  • April 1, 2021 – District winners submitted to Department Scouting Chairperson or Department HQ
  • May 1, 2021 – Department entry to National








·       National

  • $5,000 1st place national scholarship
  • $3,000 2nd place national scholarship
  • $1,000 3rd place national scholarship

·        Department

  • 1stPlace - $500 and a certificate
  • 2ndPlace - $300 and a certificate
  • 3rdPlace - $200 and a certificate